The Indian Chessmaster - Malik Mir Sultan Khan

Aljechin - Leben und Sterben eines Schachmeisters


In 1929, Malik Mir Sultan Khan (born in 'British India' in 1905) came to England. There, the young man who belonged to the entourage of an Indian diplomat, soon entered the world stage of chess. He earned remarkable tournament successes, and was temporarily one of the ten best players in the world. However, the amazing career ended abruptly in 1933 when Khan returned to his home country. He never played chess on an international level again, and died in 1966. This book traces the exceptional life of this chess master, as far as the narrow sources allow.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Einbandart: kartoniert
220 Seiten
ISBN-10: 3959209738
ISBN-13: 978-3959209731

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Khalid Ikram (Oktober 2018 - Veröffentlicht auf

An excellent book on a chess genius. Sultan Khan was an unlettered servitor in the household of a land owner in the Sargodha district (at present in Pakistan) of the Punjab province in undivided India. He was taught chess according to the Indian rules, and very soon beat everybody in the neighborhood (including his master). In 1928 he was taught the international rules of chess, and promptly proceeded to win the All-India chess championship.

The landowner then brought him to England, where in 1929 Sultan Khan surprised everybody by winning the British championship. He won it again in 1932 and 1933. He also played as top board for the British team in the chess Olympics. The landowner then returned to India, and Sultan Khan was never heard from again in chess circles. During his stay in England, he defeated a number of the leading chess players of the world, including Jose Raul Capablanca (at Hastings in 1930), Akiba Rubinstein, Frank Marshall, Salo Flohr, as well as the leading British masters, for example, C.H.O'.D. Alexander, Harry Golombek, and others.


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